5 Essential Study Skills for College Students
5 Essential Study Skills for College Students
Sep 24, 2021

College students of all majors need to incorporate study skills that work. Whether you're a freshman or senior, adopting positive study habits can help you make the most of your classes and achieve your academic goals. The earlier you form good study habits, the more success you'll have in your college career.

If you're looking for ways to improve your college study skills, take a look at these expert tips and tricks.

1. Learn How to Take Good Notes

Figure out a note-taking system that allows you to absorb the most pertinent information from class lectures and organize your notes so you can easily reference them throughout the semester. Good note taking provides you with a wealth of knowledge that you can use to study for quizzes, exams and other projects. Forming good note-taking habits early on is critical for your success throughout college.

2. Be Proactive

Preparing for your classes, tests and due dates far ahead will save you stress and potentially bad grades over time. Make sure you complete your reading assignments and homework before class and don't wait until the last minute to begin papers or study for exams. Forming good study and productivity skills early in college will prepare you for when your workload increases in upper-level classes.

3. Master Time Management

If you hone your skills in time management, studying will become so much easier. Still, even graduate students struggle with time management, as this skill is not as intuitive as it may sound. To properly manage your time in college, get a weekly planner to keep track of assignment due dates, your class schedule and when to block off sections of time dedicated to studying.

In addition, eliminate distractions when it's time to study so you can make the most out of your designated study blocks. This practice can be difficult for college students, as technology, workloads and social distractions can make focusing a challenge. However, mastering time management early will set you up for success in the future.

4. Review Your Notes Within a Day

Even skilled note takers forget to review their notes at the most important time — within 24 hours of writing them down. When you review your notes right away, your brain is still primed for storing new information, so you'll remember the subject matter better. Plus, you can see things you missed during the lecture and fill in the gaps — or at least jot down important questions.

5. Embrace Feedback

Finally, pay close attention to any feedback you get from your professors, as they give it to help you grow as a scholar. Embracing opportunities to receive and ask for feedback on your work will help you fill in any gaps in your learning. Moreover, asking for feedback builds rapport between you and your professors.

Another way to learn how to improve your study skills as a college student is through professional tutoring services. Check out 24HourAnswers.com and schedule an online tutoring session today. 

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